Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Did you know that there is a new Christian college in Vermont? Did you know that since 2018, this little college has seen over 570 people come to faith in Jesus Christ in Vermont, New England and beyond? Northeastern Baptist College Admissions Director and Applied Theology Professor Joe Ferguson talks about the spiritual state of Vermont and intentional strategy for confident evangelism in the life of the everyday Christian, as well as engaging and redeeming intellectualism and higher education in our culture for the glory of God.
Bonus Content:
The team at Northeastern Baptist College is offering their Evangelism Flight School resource mentioned in the podcast free of charge for anyone who is interested. This is the same resource that the college uses to prepare their students for success in evangelism. Simply send an email to j.ferguson@nebcvt.org and put "Evangelism Flight School Request" in the subject line.
Learn More About Northeastern Baptist College
Visit the official website: nebcvt.org
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Twitter: @MStarBookstore
Instagram: morningstarchristianbookstore
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Why is church unity so important? How do you get different churches, businesses, government offices, non-profit organizations and ministries to work together? What role does the church have in solving the hardest social problems of our day? Dick Kiernan, Executive Director for New Hampshire Alliance, shares the impact of a relational network uniting all 10 regions of New Hampshire through prayer, pastoral leadership, worship, and outreach ministry centered around the one Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Connect with Dick Kiernan! https://nhalliance.net/nh/
Subscribe to the NH Alliance Mailing List: info@nhalliance.net
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reviveNH
Books mentioned in this episode:
Addiction Nation: What The Opioid Crisis Reveals About Us by Timothy McMahan King
Businesses, ministries and organizations mentioned in this episode:
Good Samaritan Network: equips and activates churches to connect with ministries and community resources for the restoration of people in the addiction crisis.
Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation
Straight Ahead Ministries: exists to see Jesus Christ transform the lives of juvenile offenders.
The Praxis Center: Church discipleship and leadership training
Celebrate Recovery: A Christ-Centered 12 Step Program
TurboCam International: global turbomachinery development and manufacturing company that specializes in 5-axis machining of flow-path components.
Cornerstone Policy Research: Cornerstone Action and Cornerstone Policy Research are non-partisan, non-profit organizations dedicated to a New Hampshire where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.
Youth With A Mission Upper Valley New England (YWAM): International Missions and Teen Leadership Training
If My People New England: Prayer, Worship, Evangelism and Discipleship Ministry
10 Days Of Prayer
New England Alliance
The Glory of God on Cape Cod
Impact Connecticut
Food For The Children, Manchester NH
1269 Cafe
Roca Kids Club
Vision New England
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Twitter: @MStarBookstore
Instagram: morningstarchristianbookstore
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Award-winning authors Tessa Afshar (CT) and Heidi Chiavaroli (MA) discuss the biblical and historical background for their latest books Daughter of Rome (Afshar) and The Tea Chest (Chiavaroli). Each shares their thoughts on the value of Christian fiction for evangelism and the Christian life, along with encouragement for the Bright Lights community as they contend for the faith and invest intentionally in their relationships with God and others.
Connect With Tessa Afshar! www.tessaafshar.com
Connect With Heidi Chiavaroli! www.heidichiavaroli.com
Books mentioned in the podcast:
Daughter of Rome By Tessa Afshar Now Available! Order here!
The Tea Chest By Heidi Chiavaroli Now Available! Order Here!
Harvest of Gold By Tessa Afshar
Freedom’s Ring By Heidi Chiavaroli
Pearl In The Sand By Tessa Afshar
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Preview Episode - Bright Lights From Around New England
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
This is it! The preview episode for our brand new podcast, the Morning Star Bright Lights Podcast, which officially launches on Monday, August 31st.
Meet host Jared Denaro, Communications Director for Morning Star Christian Bookstores, catch the vision for the podcast, and hear samples of upcoming episodes featuring difference-makers from all over New England, whom God is using to bring New England forward as a region that loves God, loves people and lives the abundant Christian life as disciples and disciple-makers of Jesus Christ.
Featured Guests
Tessa Afshar (CT), Author, Daughter Of Rome, www.tessaafshar.com
Heidi Chiavaroli (MA), Author, The Tea Chest, www.heidichiavaroli.com
Dick Kiernan (NH), Executive Director, New Hampshire Alliance https://nhalliance.net/nh/
Joe Ferguson (VT), Admissions Director, Applied Theology Professor, Northeastern Baptist College www.nebcvt.org
Morning Star Christian Bookstore is New England's local full-service Christian resource provider, committed to shining the light of Jesus Christ throughout New England and the world. Learn more at www.morningstarbookstore.com
God is moving in New England!
In the least churched part of the United States of America, there are still people who believe in Jesus and who are leaning into the challenges of Gospel evangelism, serving in ministry, and living the abundant Christian life.
Let's have a different conversation than the statisticians about New England, and celebrate what God is doing to bring this region forward as disciples and disciple-makers of Jesus Christ.
The Morning Star Bright Lights Podcast