Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
A steam engine collection, an engineering degree, the Alaskan wilderness, and the call of God are all part of Joshua Blount's journey that brought him to Life Changing Radio, a regional network of Christian radio stations broadcasting Bible Teaching throughout New England. From the fascinating beginnings to present day, Josh talks about the challenges New England faces when it comes to faith in Jesus and the struggles of broadcasting in the modern age, as well as some amazing accounts of lives changed through the Gospel and the truths of God's word.
Connect With Joshua!
Listen Live Online and Find Local Stations:
Email Joshua
Books mentioned in this episode:
The Bible
Prevailing Prayer By D.L. Moody
Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis
Bonhoeffer By Eric Metaxas
(All books available at your local Morning Star Christian Bookstore!)
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Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
How can the church improve their love, service, and inclusion toward people with disabilities and their families? Liz Babbitt, Ministry Relations Manager for Joni and Friends New England talks about the indispensable nature of people affected by a disability, and the many ways that churches can welcome, disciple, and equip them and their families for an abundant life in Jesus Christ. Liz also shares God's heart for the disabled from the scriptures and invites New England to donate used wheelchairs and come to Family Retreat summer camp as short term missionaries!
Connect with Liz!
By Phone: 978-620-0606
Watch Joni Eareckson Tada's Story here!
Books mentioned in this episode:
Joni: An Unforgettable Story by Joni Eareckson Tada
Same Lake, Different Boat: Coming Alongside People Touched By Disability by Stephanie O. Hubach
Including People With Disabilities In Faith Communities by Erik W. Carter
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Instagram: morningstarchristianbookstore
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Bible teaching, Gospel-focused, Christ-centered churches are being planted and revitalized throughout New England! Wes Pastor, President and Lead Mentor at The NETS CENTER, also known as the New England Training and Sending Center for Church Planting and Revitalization, talks about the preparation strategy, launch process, and long term support necessary to prepare post-seminary graduates, current pastors, and their families for the rigors and challenges of New England ministry. Wes also discusses the central importance of the Gospel in church life and the practical ways that the everyday Christian can both support their pastor and contribute to the vitality of their church fellowship.
Connect With Wes!
Books mentioned in this episode:
Paul's Letter To The Romans https://morningstarbookstore.com/bibles/
The Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards
Shackleton's Boat Journey by Frank Worsley
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Twitter: @MStarBookstore
Instagram: morningstarchristianbookstore
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
If God calls you to leave everything you knew and step into the difficult, uncertain, and unfamiliar, would you do it? That's the question that George Small ultimately had to answer before leaving his job and home in California to plant a church and start a radio station in the Greater Boston area. Fast forward to today, and southern New England has a regional radio station with towers in multiple states broadcasting expository Bible teaching and vertical, God honoring worship music 24/7, 365 days a year. George and Angelena share stories about God's faithfulness throughout the stations history, including lives that were changed forever because of the truth of God's Word and the Gospel.
Connect With George and Angelena!
Check out the new Spanish Station Renuevo AM 1000!
Download the RenewFM app and listen anywhere!
Books mentioned in this episode:
Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire - Jim Cymbala
Devotionals - https://morningstarbookstore.com/books/devotionals/
The Bible - https://morningstarbookstore.com/bibles/
My Utmost For His Highest - Oswald Chambers
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Twitter: @MStarBookstore
Instagram: morningstarchristianbookstore
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Special Edition: Powerful Moments Of 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
It's been a great year for sharing solutions and strategies for reaching New England and the world with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. We listen back on 2021 for powerful moments during each podcast, as well as the "one thing" that each guest shared to engage, equip and encourage the Bright Lights community.
Guests In Order
Charles Galda - President, Vision New England
William P. Smith - Crossway, The Gospel Coalition, Author: Parenting With Words Of Grace
Dorothy Littell Greco - Author: Marriage In The Middle (Intervarsity)
Michael King - Director of Community Alliances, Massachusetts Family Institute
Jonas Woods - Musicianary, Generosity Rocks, Old Bear Records
Neil Hubacker - Director, Church Ambassador Network, Cornerstone NH
Nate Pickowicz - Author: How To Eat Your Bible (Moody)
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Instagram: morningstarchristianbookstore
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
According to Nate Pickowicz, Pastor of Harvest Bible Church in Gilmanton Iron Works, NH, the single greatest threat to Christianity today is a church that does not know their Bible. The Bible is such a big and complex book. Do you ever feel as if learning the entire Bible is too great a task? We talk with Nate about his latest book "How To Eat Your Bible: A Simple Approach To Loving And Learning The Word Of God," and explore the profound impact that an intentional, complete approach to knowing the Bible has on the believer. You can have a grasp on the entirety of God's Word, and it's easier than you might think!
Connect With Nate!
Harvest Bible Church Website: hbc-nh.org
Call your local Morning Star and reserve your copy of "How To Eat Your Bible!" visit morningstarbookstore.com for the store nearest you.
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Twitter: @MStarBookstore
Instagram: morningstarchristianbookstore
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
With over 400 citizen state Representatives, New Hampshire may be the most accessible state government in the United States of America. Church Ambassador Network Director Neil Hubacker of Cornerstone New Hampshire talks about God's heart for government and casts vision for building genuine redemptive relationships between the people of God and New Hampshire government leaders, all while getting into the messiness of law and public policy, and standing for what is right with courage. Topics include the recent late term abortion ban, the first pro-life bill to pass NH in 10 years, the power of testimony from a former transgender who came to Christ, and the call for equal treatment for churches during emergency order situations.
Connect With Neil!
Website: www.nhcornerstone.org
Email: nhubacker@nhcornerstone.org
Concord 101: Inspiration And Information For Influencing NH Law-Making https://www.nhcornerstone.org/concord-101/
Other books and podcasts Neil mentioned:
The Briefing - Albert Mohler https://albertmohler.com/the-briefing
How The Nations Rage: Rethinking Faith And Politics In A Divided Age by Jonathan Lehmann (Available at Morning Star Leominster!)
The Good Citizen Podcast - Scott Hershberger https://www.goodcitizen.us/bold-church-christian-podcast/
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Twitter: @MStarBookstore
Instagram: morningstarchristianbookstore
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
When it comes to being a Christian musician, Rhode Island native Jonas Woods will tell you that it's not about the music, but instead it's about being obedient to the call of God on his life to communicate the truth and love of God and the message of the Gospel to anyone who will listen. From his early days sharing stages with bands like Petra to present day projects, Jonas talks about being on the road as a "musicianary," coaching church worship teams to become more effective leaders, and building redemptive relationships that draw people closer to Jesus.
Connect with Jonas Woods!
Listen To Jonas Woods!
Jonas Woods On Spotify
Jonas Woods on Apple Music
Sponsor Jonas and his wife Becky in their ministry!
(Songs "Worried" and "Words" by Jonas Woods, used with permission)
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Twitter: @MStarBookstore
Instagram: morningstarchristianbookstore
God is moving in New England!
In the least churched part of the United States of America, there are still people who believe in Jesus and who are leaning into the challenges of Gospel evangelism, serving in ministry, and living the abundant Christian life.
Let's have a different conversation than the statisticians about New England, and celebrate what God is doing to bring this region forward as disciples and disciple-makers of Jesus Christ.
The Morning Star Bright Lights Podcast